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Create summary report that contain the selections from interface (analytic app)

7 - Meteor

Hi guys,


I created an analytic app with an interface that permit user to choose: 

- List of accounts

- After that, indicate No. of largest items they want to select


I would like that in the result file created with the reporting tool render, I would have a seperate tab that contain what the user choose in the interface.


The purpose would be that each time a user use the analytic app, they would be able to know what is the selections they selected to create the report. It would be use to keep a trace for each file.    


Thanks for your help! 


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Tung_Nguyen123 ,


Here is the modified workflow.


Input : App workflow given by you

Output :  2 tabs in the same excel


Tab Output Type the output data



Tab UserSelection Type the user selection data




Drawback/Limitation :  Tab name is always followed by keyword "Type"


Workflow :


Hope this helps 🙂


If this post helps you please mark it as solution. And give a like if you dont mind😀👍

7 - Meteor

Hi @atcodedog05 

Thanks for your help. 

Let change record No. 2 value to 999.


Here is my selections:


Here is the result


Not quite matching then.




22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Tung_Nguyen123 ,


If you set a very high value like 999. It will return you a value of highest number of records. Like only 3 records are available or so.


If you need 999 to display i will try to do the modification.

7 - Meteor

Hi @atcodedog05 

The problem is my selection for list of accounts is "aaa, bbb". However, using your workflow, this would only summarize from the final result, not my initial selection. I'm thinking abt creating additional action tools to write the selections.


But there is an error. Would you mind taking a look at my revised workflow?




22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Tung_Nguyen123 ,


I have modified my approach




Now you each time user sets a value it will be loaded into a text tool also. Which will be written to a sheet.

I feel this is much more optimized. And if you are adding more tools link a Text input tool like above and connect it to the Join multiple tool.


Hope this helps 🙂


If this post helps you please mark it as solution. And give a like if you dont mind😀👍

7 - Meteor

Hi @atcodedog05 

That works.


Thanks so much for your solution.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Tung_Nguyen123 ,


I went ahead and fixed your App. Its a good approach too.


Basically whenever a dropdown is outputting a value it outputs as "aaa","bbb" whichs not a accepted string format. So the changes i made was warping "1" with single quotes to '"1"' like below



So "aaa","bbb" becomes '"aaa","bbb"' and doesnt create issues. Follow this for all list.


Hope this helps 🙂


If this post helps you please mark it as solution. And give a like if you dont mind😀👍


I have attached the modified workflow.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Tung_Nguyen123 


Try the modification fix and let me know. Your workflow is might be more optimized and cleaner.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

I take that as a yes.


Happy to help 🙂


Cheers and happy analyzing 😀
