Hi All! Based on the table I need to have these information from column VenueGatewaysName in the body of the emails under Gateways:
Could you please help me? It only takes the first one. The emails are seperated due to the VenueCptyLei and VenueSalesName so there will be 4 different emails but I want to have all VenueGatewayName under Gateways like in the first emails there are 2 of them missing - SYD_RATES_BLOOMBERG_AURATES and TRADEWEB_AU. Second email is correct, next also and in the last one to Matteo it only shows LDN_EMCREDIT_TRADEWEB_EUGV and this is missing - LDN_RATES_TRADEWEB_EUGV.
@howyoudoing one way of doing this
Hi @howyoudoing
When you concatenate in the Summerize tool use \n as the separator, this will add each gateway as a new line
@howyoudoing that is interesting, check your data and make sure that the VenueCtryLEI and VenueSalesName has multiple VenueGatwayName's, also can you check the below settings to check multiple data under same venue and salesname
Also what do you see the workflow which i sent to you, are you able to see the names are coming in the different lines
@howyoudoing van you screen shot your Report Text settings, also make sure that the report text has the correct field used
@howyoudoing i can see the the names are coming in next line in the report , what is the issue you are seeing here?