Hi All! Based on the table I need to have these information from column VenueGatewaysName in the body of the emails under Gateways:
Could you please help me? It only takes the first one. The emails are seperated due to the VenueCptyLei and VenueSalesName so there will be 4 different emails but I want to have all VenueGatewayName under Gateways like in the first emails there are 2 of them missing - SYD_RATES_BLOOMBERG_AURATES and TRADEWEB_AU. Second email is correct, next also and in the last one to Matteo it only shows LDN_EMCREDIT_TRADEWEB_EUGV and this is missing - LDN_RATES_TRADEWEB_EUGV.
@howyoudoing Are you saying in the email all these are coming in one line or in the Report Text tool are they coming in one line? Sorry I am bit confused here, because in the Report Text tool i see them in rows
I sent the emails and on the screen you can check that they arent one under another and also in the report text they are next to each other no one under one they are in the one line, they are only correct in the summarize tool
what is the version of Alteryx tool are you using? i can clearly see the names are in rows rather than one line, the output of your workflow given below
wooow its very strange becuase I see them in one line
its Alteryx Designer 2022.3, should I update it or something?
Seems to be you are using the a bit older version of designer, I think you need to update the Alteryx designer to the newer version.