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Create Source to Target Mapping for an existing Alteryx workflow built

5 - Atom

Can you please help if there is a smart way to create Source to Target Mapping for an existing Alteryx workflow built

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @saraf12345,


Can you provide more context? There are multiple avenues I can think of:

- "Source" and "Target" always making me think of the Append Fields tool, which essentially replicates a Cartesian join

- maybe you need a Text Input to manually create a mapping table


Let us know when you can!


5 - Atom

Hi ,


Thanks for reverting back. Appreciate it.


Assuming I have an Alteryx Jobs built with couple of transformations in it, I need to produce a Source to Target Mapping/Data Mapping document covering the logic used across various transformations in the entire flow between Source and Target structure. Please find the attachment as a reference,


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @saraf12345,


Can you provide more specifics to your use case? Without seeing the Alteryx workflow, it'll be difficult to help determine the best tools to help with this process.


Off the bat, the Field Info Tool | Alteryx Help could help - if you've done any formulaic transformations, they should show up in the Description column.



5 - Atom

Hi Alex,


Thanks. I do not have any Alteryx workflows built handy currently. Lets take a simple case assuming I have an Alteryx workflow already built with the below data flow - 

Source Table: employee table with 2 columns (Emp Id, Emp Name) followed by 

Filter transformation - To filter emp name like A* followed by an other transformation 

Expression - To Create a new column If Emp Id between 1 to 100 then 1 else 0  followed by a 

Target ,


I need to build a Source to Target mapping document between Source to Target depicting the Source column name, transformations applied and Target columns using some smart way once I have my alteryx workflow built

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @saraf12345,


The Field Info tool mentioned will work for those formulaic transformations - the "Source" column will store these formulas.


For other steps, I am sure you could export the XML of the workflow and work with that in some way. I haven't done it personally, but that'd be where I'd look first.


This may also be of help: Solved: List all tools used in a workflow - Alteryx Community. It'll help list all tools used in a workflow!


