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Converting Names to a PDF

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


Sorry for the confusion about the title. It was kind of difficult to explain.


I was provided an excel sheet that contains three columns with different names such as:


Column A: abc

Column B: def

Column C: ghi


I wanted to know if there is a way to combine those columns as one name to name my PDF files (there are a lot of PDFs).


Example: I want one of my pdf files to be named as ABCDEFGHI


Many thanks

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @JamesJL,


Very simple example but something like this should work! Essentially you need to pull down those column names with a Field Info tool, concatenate the values together, and create your pdf path with it. That path will end up going to the Render tool where you can output as a PDF.



7 - Meteor

Thank you so much!


However, it seems to over write what I already have in my PDF. My PDFs are already populated with data. Is there another work around?



17 - Castor

Hi @JamesJL 


You could use a run command tool to do this. I believe I replied to another one of your posts with an example. If you share more information we can make it work for your use case. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @JamesJL,


The key thing here would be to make sure your logic would link the column names coming from the Excel to which PDF to rename (if there are a lot of PDFs).


I would look at using the Blob Input and Blob Output tools. You should be able to read in the PDF as a blob, attach the new name that you create (likely utilizing similar logic to what I created above), then output the blob with that new name. This blog helps explain the process for Excel files - Alteryx: Excel Templates with Blob Tools – Intersections and Overlaps ( I am assuming you could possibly replicate it for PDFs but you may not be able to since PDF read in typically require Intelligence Suite.



7 - Meteor

Thank you everyone! This was helpful and they weren't lying that this forum is a great resource.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@JamesJL of course! If you could mark the replies that best resolved your question, that'd be great!
