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Convert dots in a CSV file to comas

5 - Atom

Hello Everyone,

I have a CSV file and i want to dots in comas in numbers.

I tried formulas to replace "." by ",". But i changed the data type from double to string and when i want to convert it back to double, numbers after the coma disapears... (For exemple : in string type i have 7,2 and after changing the type to double i have 7).

Can you help me ?

Thank you very much !

A beginner

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Jbdurand 


If you're working with numbers in Alteryx, you need to use dots as decimal separators.

So Double type only supports (.). You can do all your calculations and for presentation purposes, change the field to a String type and replace dots by commas.


