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Continue in Loop Iteration Using Alteryx Macro

8 - Asteroid

Hello Everyone,


I am running a batch flow reading a folder with multiple *.csv files..



This folder containes files with fileNames dates like FILE_20150131.CSV,FILE_20170731.CSV,FILE_20220301.CSV etc...



In the macro,i have one container that i want to read data only from FILE_20200226 and later and bypass the previous date_files...

In the other containers i would like to read all the files.


Is there any way to execute continue statement if the file is older and bypass all the previous files?


Thank you,

17 - Castor

Hi @Anastasio_Theohari 


Are you actually using an iterative macro or is this simply a batch macro to read multiple csv files? Without knowing more details the simplest option might be to read in the file name as a field and just filter the data for FILE_20200226 to go to the special container and have the other records go to a different container.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you for the quick reply.

I did this but it is going to the output and truncate the data,this i would like to avoid..

In some way i would like to go to the next file in the begging of the flow..



