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Container question

6 - Meteoroid



Run the second container only after First container is run

7 - Meteor

Could you be more specific? 


I am thinking a conditional runner using the CREW macro pack would solve your issue, but there's not much detail in your post. You could run one chunk of tools and, if completed successfully, run the next. You may need another option if you need to branch one way or the other depending on the output of the tool(s) prior to the second container. Or, perhaps "block until done" prior to the second container.





6 - Meteoroid



I just noticed that it could be done using a Macro with control parameter!!

6 - Meteoroid

I have three containers (container1, container 2 and container 3)

My requirement is to run them sequentially container 1 should always be run first before running container 2 and container 3 should always run after container 2.

and may add more containers to flow.


Could some one help me with a sample.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
6 - Meteoroid

Thanks @danM


I tried the same but the container is executed with out looking at action value, Am I missing something???

Attached is the screenshot of settingAlteryx.jpg

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



Hard for me to tell without viewing the workflow, I leave one container open for at least to test. "false" is the container is open and 'true' is the container is disabled.


In your screen shot you have quotes around '3' in the function, is that 3 a string or a number? If it's a number it doesn't need quotes.


Are you then feeding the macro the numbers 3,4, and 5?



6 - Meteoroid





Its a string value. I changes input to strings one, two, three,... and modified the conditions as below 

if [one] = "ONE" then "False" Else "True" EndIf

if [two] = "TWO" then "False" Else "True" EndIf

if [Three] = "THREE" then "False" Else "True" EndIf

if [four] = "FOUR" then "False" Else "True" EndIf

if [Five] = "FIVE" then "False" Else "True" EndIf


they run sequentially. However, Now I notice my container 2 and 4 are executed multiple times and container 1, 3 and 5 are executed once.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



To trouble shoot: I would check your action tools and see if there is a different setup between 2 and say 5. I would then test if you just ran TWO through the macro does the workflow run more than once? If so, then something within that action tool is tell the container to either stay open or telling it to run more than once. If you could attach the workflow (don't need data) I can take a look.



6 - Meteoroid



attached the samples
