Hi All, I want to consolidate the data of a particular tab having similar schema but the worksheet name is different in multiple files, I want to consolidate the data for all the files having the similar worksheet. Can anyone please guide me. Thanks
@Kaishthis sounds relatively easy to do with the directory input, data input, and join / multi-join tools.
Do you have some example data and we can mock up a workflow to achieve this?
Hey Brando, thanks for replying, We can connect to discuss this. I need some expertise as I am new to Alteryx. Kindly let me know how can we discuss this.
We can discuss in this thread so when someone else runs into the same problem, they can find this and follow the steps we explored. You can attach files, do you want to reply with some files you'd like me to experiment with and I'll see what I can do?
Apologies for not sending the data because of confidential data of my organisation, I can explain the requirement. Suppose we have 5 different files, each file having multiple tabs, out of those tabs we have a tab in each file which is similar and has same schema, we need to consolidate that tab for all the files. Can you create an example out of this. It will be very grateful.
Hi All, can anybody guide me through the solution please.
From each file you have different sheets names
You have use manually process to input data into workflow.
If each file has same worksheet name then we could have build a batch macro
part one of complete problem
Mark done if this is solved.