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Connecting to Alteryx Server From Designer - Blank Window

5 - Atom

Hi All,


My team uses the Alteryx Gallery to deploy web apps. I have recently ran into an issue where the designer generates a blank credentials window when trying to connect to the Alteryx Server. I was previously able to connect just fine, but now every time I try to connect to the server the "Save Workflow - Add a Server" window is blank.


It is also worth noting the following:

 - I have re-installed the designer so that the version matches the version of our Alteryx server (2022.1.1).

 - I have a colleague who's not experiencing any of these issues but has the same version of the designer installed (2022.1.1.30961)


I've posted a few screenshots below for reference:


Step 1)

Add new Alteryx Server



Step 2)

Provide URL

*I know that I am providing the correct URL because I have been able to connect in the past*



Step 3)

The next window should be prompting me for my windows credentials, but it is a blank window. Eventually the window times out without rendering any contents



13 - Pulsar



This screenshot of yours has an unsaved workflow. I believe you have to save the first location and then upload

5 - Atom

Thanks for getting back so quickly - 


I have tried that, but I'm still getting the same issue (screenshot below):




13 - Pulsar



Try putting an invalid url to see if it's authenticating


It could be server version incompatibility with your designer.. but it would still give an error screen

5 - Atom

Good idea - 


So I tried that and it is authenticating correctly:



This makes me think that I'm able to successfully connect to the server despite the fact the UI will not render in the following window. 

5 - Atom

I am also getting the same error while opening the url in web it is working fine but when i am trying to publish the workflow from designer to server getting error- could not connect to the server please try again 
