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Configuring Detour Tool

7 - Meteor

Hi! I ran into an issue when trying to configure the detour tool. My goal with this is to have the detour tool choose a path based on whether or not the control parameter passed to it is a 0. If the control parameter passed is 0, I want my flow to go right and ignore the left. If the parameter is anything else, I want it to go left.


My issues is that my control inputs are not doing anything. The detour tool is only going the direction that it was configured to go. As seen below, detour to right is deselected, so the flow keeps going left. Is there something wrong with my formula, or how I am approaching this? I have included screenshots of my configuration and the formula that I am using. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any other information from me. 












15 - Aurora

In your first screenshot, ensure the blue highlight is on the line that starts with @value



5 - Atom

As Chris said, ensure you are updating the "@value" field, right now it is not updating anything.

Also make sure the logic being used is consistent with the correct detour/wf steering.


7 - Meteor

Hi Chris, thank you for getting back to me. Just to be certain, selecting @value line with the blue highlight means that I am applying the forumla to that line?

15 - Aurora

Correct. Just above the box where you select which "line" to update is the text "Value or Attribute to Update:"


Whichever line you select (have highlighted in blue), that's the value Alteryx will try to update.

7 - Meteor

Thank you Chris! This worked for me. Rookie mistake, didn't realize I had to select that. 
