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Conditional list runner

6 - Meteoroid



I want to run set of workflows (wf1 to wf8), which should run despite any of the workflow fails.

Can anyone tell me how to create one?





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @Jarviz 
Thanks for posting to the Community.
If you are looking to schedule a number of workflows, you would want to look into using Alteryx Server to host and run the workflows at a given time and frequency of your choosing.

Or are you trying to chain a series of workflows together?
If so, check out this post below as it covers this process as well.

I hope this helps get you going in the right direction!

Community Moderator
18 - Pollux

As I'm reading this you have 8 workflows one or more of which may fail when executing and you want the others to still run.


May I recommend investigating command line tools? or conditional runner?


Using command line you can set each workflow to run  and provide it with a datasource and if fails you can move onto the next one.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hi @Jarviz!

This sounds like a job for chained workflows:

Using the source above, you can see how to add a workflow to run when another workflow has run. Here workflows can be specified to run even if the previous workflow creates errors.
You could set the same workflow to run when it does produce errors, and when it doesn't, to each in the chain.


7 - Meteor

Your post is a little vague, each who have replied thus far, @TrevorS , @apathetichell  & @TheOC , has offered a good and viable option, or options.  The choice depends on your environment and preference/skill set.  Is the situation one in which you have only a Desktop Designer or Desktop Designer with Scheduler (old term) aka Engine API license (new term) or will this be on a server?


One more consideration would be workload impact to the machine these jobs will run on. Depending on the complexity of the jobs you might not want to run more than 2, 3 or 4 at a time to avoid maxing your machine out on memory and or cpu.


Desktop Designer:

  • The Crew "Runner" macros are popular and useful and one of the few ways to do it on a Desktop Designer.  In this case" List Runner" might be best.
    • Runner macros can be problematic on Servers due to added workload outside the Servers knowledge of workload and could lead to overloading.
  • An after run event is another that works on Desktop Designer only situation, though works on server as well.
    • This also avoids all jobs running at once so limits impact on workload on a desktop or server

Designer with Engine API License or on Server, what works on one works on the other.

  • Use the scheduler, that is what it is there for.
  • Run Command Tool allows you to run many external programs and is the same as running form windows command line and so requires Engine API License or Server to execute the AlteryxEngineCMD.exe required to launch another workflow.
  • Build a batch or Powershell script to execute, in parallel or series, but if parallel be aware of the impact to the machines workload.
    • I have done this a lot, initially in batch files I dynamically generated in a workflow or had as external scripts but migrated to prefer Powershell these days but Windows command line (.bat) is generally fast and easy to put together.

read the references the other gave and search some more on the path you settle on.  There are more posts and some with more detail and examples. is a good resource for powershell and command line and other stuff.

18 - Pollux

@qw199505  Great response - perhaps it should also be added that minimizing/preventing workflow ending errors in a workflow is always a better alternative to planning on how to run additional workflows when there is an error.
