I want to concatenate two columns with adding one character in between How can I do that? Required output shared below.
Owner Company Concatenate
a 1 a1
b 2 b2
c 3 c3
For questions regarding Designer functionality, please post them in the Designer Discussions forum. For your question, you'll want to make use of the Formula tool. The Tool Mastery Index is a great place to learn specific tools, like the Formula tool. Also, the Alteryx Academy has plenty of free tutorials, learning paths, vides, use cases, etc., to help you on your Alteryx journey! Hint on your question: the plus key 🙂
Thanks for your post, @manishbofa. We moved it in here for more visibility. 😉
hi @manishbofa
You can use the '+' operator. Add a Formula Tool, give the new field the name "Concatenate" and type the following in the formula editor:
[Owner] + [Company]
Actually the Alteryx Help document is really useful. You can find the details on the mathematical operators here: https://help.alteryx.com/20213/designer/operators
If you are new to Alteryx, i suggest that you take the Interactive Lessons if you have not already done so.