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Concatenate, minimum (Start Time) and maximum (End Time)

8 - Asteroid

Hi Community 


I am trying to built a tracer model and need help please. 


Can you please refer to the attached package and help me populate 3 columns 


1. Concatenate and transpose - Zones Accessed
2. Start Time - Which i think will be min 

3. End Time - Which i think is max.


Attached screenshot of desired outcome. Thanks heaps in advance. 


Desired Output_Contact Tracer.jpg

15 - Aurora

Do you want one record for each unique combination of:

  Card Number



  Exact Date


Try the single Summarize tool in the screenshot below.


If your Min and Max should include the Exact Date (not just the time), you'll need a formula tool to combine the Exact Date and time fields into DateTime data type.


Tracer Model - ChrisTX.png



8 - Asteroid

Hi @ChrisTX 


Thank you for your response. 


Grouping By does not work unfortunately as I want all the rows for the data set. I would need to further model that on Start Time and End Time.


How do i do that? 


Attached for reference again.  Thanks, 

17 - Castor

Hi @udles5666 , what if what I am thinking is correct you want to have start and end time of the person as if first time the person accessed a zone and last time the person accessed the zone, I do not think that concatinating the zones will be a great idea rather than grouping by card number, name, min_datetime and max_datetime can give you the result something like this.

Suppose Angelina Jolie's 09/09/2020 06:34:07 is the first time when accessed a zone and 09/09/2020 23:59:29 is the last time when accessed a zone.

Is this what you were looking for?







Sapna Gupta
15 - Aurora

If you want the output to include all rows from the input, keep the Summarize like I mentioned then add a Join tool.  The Join left input would be the original data set.  The Join right input would be the stream from the Summarize.  Keep all of the left fields, and pick up the 3 fields you need from the Summarize.

Join on a key field like Card number.



8 - Asteroid

Closing this post off. The below one is relevant and would help getting the answer if someone in the community is working on something similar. 

