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Compare User's Current vs Previous Access

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone,

I need to compare the access of all users from the current vs previous user listing. User can have one or more access and user's access is separated by a bar "|". Below are my tables. Thank you for your help.


Previous User List

AlexClient Read Only Prod Account|Client Production Modify Broker
AllenClient Read Only Prod Broker - Account
RomyClient Read Only Prod Broker - Account
MalouClient Read Only Prod Broker - Account
JaneClient UAT Test|Client Read Only Prod Broker - Account|Client Production Modify|Client UAT
AnnClient Read Only Prod Broker|Client Production Modify Account|Client Development
AdrianClient Production Modify Broker|Client Production Modify|Client UAT|Client Full Access|Client Development|Client Production


Current User List

AlexClient Production Modify Broker|Client Read Only Prod Account
AllenClient Read Only Prod Broker - Account
RomyClient Read Only Prod Broker - Account
MalouClient Production Modify Broker
JaneClient UAT Test|Client Production Modify|Client UAT|Client Read Only Prod Broker - Account
AnnClient Development|Client Production Modify Account|Client Read Only Prod Broker
AdrianClient Production Modify Broker|Client Production Modify|Client Development|Client UAT|Client Full Access|Client Production
12 - Quasar

The first thing I did was parse out the access that each user has/had by using the Text to Columns tool and configured them both to "Split to rows." Then I unioned the data sets. At this point, you can see there are duplicates in the access column, so I used the Summarize tool to group by both Name and Access to remove duplicates for each user. After that, I used another Summarize tool to group by Name and concatenate Access with a "|" to separate the different values for each user.


Split to Rows.PNG

Group By.PNG

Concat Access.PNG


8 - Asteroid

Thank you @Prometheus .
