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Combining 2 results into 1 output with 2 tabs.

8 - Asteroid

Hi There,


I am trying to combine 2 results into 1 output but with 2 excel tabs.  Enclosed is a picture of the workflow.  The 2 Select tools at the end of the flow is what I want to combine the file but with 2 excel tabs...Please help!





11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Hi @yzhang316 


Two options here, both shown below and attached. One is a bit easier, but can get messy if your fields are different between tabs; the other batches through the different tabs so you get clean tables each time





If your tables differ, you can use option 2 which batches and removes null columns. 

Hope that helps



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @yzhang316 ,


You can use two separate Output Data tools, and have them write to different tabs in the same Excel file.


If you find this is throwing an error, put a Block Until Done tool before the first Output Data tool.


Let me know if this works!!




11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide


Note I've just updated my post above to include both options, so you can demo. Obviously choose one of the two options, no need to run both, otherwise you'll be writing it multiple times!



11 - Bolide

 This is the part that has gotten tricky for me in the past - a block until done only works in 1 "stream" right? So if we have 2 totally different datasets (different columns etc) and we want to put them into 2 tabs in workbook.... if we use block until done, isn't the only way to do that a messy union of the 2 datasets, where you've got twice the columns you need, but you have them in the same path so you can stick a block until done on it? And then you have to split them out again just before the 2 outputs? That's how i've been doing it, but it always seemed sloppy it's a pain to go deselect the fields in the 2 output paths that you don't need....

Am I missing something? Is there an easier way to do it with the block until done? I see the other response with a batch macro output, I hadn't tried that before but I guess it's worth exploring. 

5 - Atom

Hi @andyuttley,


Can you please explain when option 2 will be used? What are examples of use cases? 
