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Combining 2 excels into 1 output

7 - Meteor

Hi all, I am stuck while creating a workflow where I would have 2 excels (1 with the data and another master template where the data would be pasted to).

I would require to paste the data at another column however I am currently stuck at the step that merges the 2 excels.

Any help would be kindly appreciated. Thank you



Excel with data (Names (data).csv)




Master Template (Name Template.csv)

Master Template.PNG




Final Output (Output Template.xlsx)

Final Output.PNG



13 - Pulsar

Hi @gavinloi_ 


If my understanding is right you start with 

Excel with data (Names (data).csv) and want to add country of orgin and citezenship columns (blanks)


If this is correct. Then use a data input tool with (Names (data).csv  then add a formula tool with the headers you desire, and use a select tool to put it in the order you want 


Let me know how you get on/if my understanding is correct.




7 - Meteor

Hi @aatalai thank you so much, that works wonders and I included a select function as well to help. Many many thanks! 

13 - Pulsar

@gavinloi_ glad I could help can you please mark that as solved/the solution when you get a moment
