How can I combine 2 Endswith expressions?
I tried ENDSWITH(ENDSWITH ([FIELD],"A"),"C"). FIELD is a V_String. It generated the ERROR = Parse Error at char(0): Formula: tried apply string operator to numeric value EndsWith.
Solved! Go to Solution.
ENDSWITH function returns boolean, so your outer ENDSWITH function is essentially passing a boolean instead of string, hence the error.
May I know what exactly is your requirement?
Hi @hellyars ,
What are you trying to accomplish? Your formula as written is checking whether the output of
ends with the letter C. The output of ENDSWITH is a numeric value (-1 when true, 0 when false).
I am looking for all records that literally end in A or C.
May be I am over simplifying, but why don't you try an OR condition like below?
I guess I could just use two expressions with an OR statement.
You are not. I was just trying to figure a way to join 2 without using OR.