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Cleaning a scrambled format PDF to excel converted file

8 - Asteroid



I was given this pdf to begin with.

KY Pdf.png


A colleague was able to get it into this format for me: Now I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. I've used parsing, regex and text to column before, but I have never used them to this extreme of having data formatted in various forms going column to column and row to row. The real wild card is having sectional rows that appear between each set of records.


KY Excel.png


I basically broke it into 4 parts. A section header and field (part 1) and a record headers and fields section (parts 2-4)


KY yxmd shot.png


Any recommendations? Thank you.





14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

PDFs are not fun, but getting it into an Excel format helps.  Attached is a workflow that organizes your data.  Since data can come in in different fields, there are steps to normalize the data into consistent fields so rules can be applied to them.  I added annotations, but let me know if you have questions. 


Edit - realized County Name wasn't in final Join, so it has been added.


PDF Formatting.png



8 - Asteroid

Wow!  This is amazing @T_Willins.  Thank you for taking the time to share this solution.  I almost didn't think it was possible.  Thanks for breaking down each step.  The more I see accomplished with this software, the more excited I get! 

