Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Chained Apps - Not running next apps

8 - Asteroid

Hello all,


I have a chained app and it is not chaining properly. There are 4 apps, they are all properly configured in the interface designer to connect to each other. When I run it on my desktop it goes through all apps as it should. When I upload it drops the last app that it should run. When I download the application from the server and then run it on my desktop it again properly runs all 4 apps.


I'm definitely stumped... I also checked the workflow options > manage workflow assets before publishing and all chained apps are correctly selected. Any idea how I can solve this?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@laurennewton your first app has to run within 30 seconds on the server in order to kick off the rest. Does that first app complete in under 30 seconds?


This is for security and load purposes on the server.

8 - Asteroid

hi @DanM yes it completes in 1.7 seconds

19 - Altair

@DanM- the way how apps are designed for Server is pretty antiquated. I'd recommend scoping out Apps on the UiPath orchestrator - these are by no means perfect - but disconnecting the App creation from the individual process and allowing a single App to trigger multiple processes (or trigger processes multiple times) would be quite valuable. 
