Hi . I want to calculate 7 days average based on Material Number, Plant and Posting_Dt. I have used below logic but it's not working as expected.
Hi @AnanditaShankar, Average() isn't a function in Alteryx that can be used like this. For a case like this, just add them all together and then divide by 7, such as:
([Row-7:Daily Closing Stocks New]+[Row-6:Daily Closing Stocks New]....)/7
Did that as well still not working
@AnanditaShankar can you post what you're expecting in the outcome then? From what you were attempting originally, that's how you would do it in Alteryx, so if it's not working as expected then we'll need more detail around what is actually needed.
for eg : if on Day 1 closing stock is 200 and on Day 2 is 300 then average should be (200+300)/2 . And similarly it should do for consecutive days