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Bringing info from other files into one text input file set up with headings


Sorry if I’m not explaining this one properly, will use tables below to try and describe.


Currently I have various data sets, and I have tidied them up so that specific columns have the information I need in them and with the correct headings.


I have created a text input table with the headings that I want, all I want to do is connect the different tidied data sets and bring them into this text input table in the format that I have set up. Hopefully the table below show what I mean. Apologies for format, I seem to have lost access to my original account and can’t seem to get on via laptop so am using my phone. 


So I have files that I have tidied like so (the bold heading are the ones I want to move into the new format:


File 1 

Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3Heading XHeading Y
Entry 1Entry 2Entry 3Entry XEntry Y
Entry 1.1Entry 2.1Entry 3.1xxyy
Entry 1.2Entry 2.2Entry 3.2xxxyyy


File 2

Heading 4Heading ZHeading 5Heading AHeading B
Entry 4zzEntry 5aabb
Entry 4.1zzzEntry 5.1aaabbb

File 3

Heading 6Heading 7Heading 8Heading CHeading D
Entry 6Entry 7Entry 8Entry XEntry Y
Entry 6.1Entry 7.1Entry 8.1xxyy



I want the entries for corresponding Headings in Files 1-3 to feed down into the text input table I have created which is currently set up as


Heading 1Heading 2Heading JHeading 3Heading 4Heading 5Heading 6Heading  K Heading 7Heading 8Heading L



I want the info from files 1-3 to feed in as follows


Heading 1Heading 2Heading JHeading 3Heading 4Heading 5Heading 6Heading KHeading 7Heading 8Heading L
Entry 1Entry 2 Entry 3Entry 4Entry 5Entry 6 Entry 7Entry 8 
Entry 1.1Entry 2.1 Entry 3.1Entry 4.1Entry 5.1Entry 6.1 Entry 7.1Entry 8.1 
Entry 1.2Entry 2.2 Entry 3.2       



I'm not sure if I am doing it right trying to set it up to feed into a text input file so it doesn’t have to be a text input if it isn’t the best solution, but essentially I am trying to create a new output file in the format of the text input file, but with the corresponding info from the other files.


Hope that all makes sense.





Bola de fogo

I'm not sure I fully understand the issue.  Does the data in the 3 tables need to join together or just be pasted one on top of the other?  If they need to be joined, then you could add a record ID to each one and use a join tool to combine the tables and select the fields that you want.  


The data in the 3 separate tables have been tidied. I only want specific fields to all be copied down into the text input (the ones I have given the bold headings to in my illustration) 


so e.g Table 1 had “Heading 1” had a field of “Entry 1” etc 


the text input table has a “Heading 1” etc I want “Entry 1” to be populated in the corresponding headings field.

Basically Table 1 - 3 are from 3 different inputs. I only want to extract certain columns from all 3 into one output - which is the text input doc I have set up with the correct headings.


let me know if still unclear and I’ll try and explain better. 


Bola de fogo

I understand the headings placement but I'm not understanding the row entries.  Here's a sample workflow of what I think you are trying to do.


I see what you've done there, but wondering if there is a way for it to feed into the text input at all. I'll give your way a try and see anyway. I've updated my post so it should look a bit more clearer too, basically the text input will also have columns which will remain blank as well.

You can just add another Text Input with nothing except the empty columns that you want to add, then join that into your output as well. That will give you your interspersed blank columns.
