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Block until done alternative solution?

7 - Meteor



In my workflow I have 4 outputs to 4 different Excel tabs, all in the same Excel workbook.


Often it works fine and all my 4 tabs are filled as it should be, but sometimes 1 output is written to another file. I think the option of using 'Block Until Done' doesn't work here, as all of my main 4 inputs have data that flow into 3 of the Excel tabs, see also the attached picture.


Is there a 'Block Until Done' alternative/solution available here?





14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

The union tip is best for when you have outputs to different tabs but the schema is consistent, for example if you want sales by state, with each state output to a different tab. 

In the case shown it looks like you have outputs with different schema to the various tabs. Try adding a select tool after the block until done tool just before your green container and connect that to the purple box, that looks like it would force each output to a different anchor on the block until done so it would prevent conflicts.

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