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Blob single tab template applied to every tab in output base on field

9 - Comet

I'm aware of the blob example here


But would like to apply this to multiple sheets in the same output that will all follow the exact same template, with each tab based on a field.


I have attached three excel files: a formatted template, source data with an output path to Test.xlsx for two separate tabs, and what the Test.xlsx file should look look like when the workflow is complete. ie the template is applied to all tabs in the output which will have separate tabs based on the country which is linked to the output path.


Hopefully someone can help me join the dots here.









21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I made a workflow as attached and I did not use Blob to generate the template file, using CMD instead.
With minor effort, I believe we can change it to Blob if you prefer.


5 - Atom

@Qiu would you mind expanding this to the use blobs instead of command prompt? I have a few use cases where this would be helpful. 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

@AkimasaKajitani  @kristenbaxter 
Maybe you can help us with this?  😁

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Qiu and @kristenbaxter 


As far as I know, if the template excel has one sheet, the output should have one sheet. In other words, Blob tool way allow you copy one excel template to multiple excel files, but it can't allow you copy from one excel file which have one sheet to the one excel file which have multiple sheets.


For example,

OK : A.xlsx|||SheetA => B.xlsx|||SheetA and C.xlsx|||SheetA

NG :A.xlsx|||SheetA => A.xlsx|||SheetA and SheetB and SheetC

OK : A.xlsx|||SheetA and SheetB  => B.xlsx|||SheetA and SheetB,  C.xlsx|||SheetA and SheetB


In other words, we can not copy only the sheet using Blob tool.


But if you can prepare the required sheets which have the same template at the template excel book, it will work.


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

 I guess I was wrong with the abpve statement. sorry😁

5 - Atom

Thanks all!
