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9 - Comet

Hi everyone!


I hope you are well and safe. 


I want to clean the phone number. In some of phone numbers I have (02) or (03) or 03 or 02. I want to replace them with 61. In data I have some others extra strings and other unnecessary data. Could you please let me know how I can clean them.  Also, I want to do a filter and find phone numbers that start with 61 or 02. 


I have attached the sample file and ideal phone number. 




I really appreciate your help.




14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @Simon1187,


Attached is a workflow that matches your ideal output.  However, I don't know if this will work for your actual data set as there were no phone numbers starting with 02 and you indicate you want to replace 03 or 02 with 61, which would leave your data without any numbers starting with 02.  The Filter tool would only need to be for numbers starting with 61 instead of how it is written to filter for both starting with 61 or 02.

The way I approached this was thinking through the rules based on the data.

First, remove letters, punctuation and extra whitespace with the Data Cleanse tool

Formula rules (each rule looks at remaining records that did not meet the previous rule):

1. If the number starts with 61 or 69 then leave the number as is

2. If the number starts with a zero and the next digits after any zeros was 61, then remove leading zeros

3. If the number starts with a zero and the next digits after any zeros was 69, then remove leading zeros

4. If the number starts with a zero, remove zeros and add 61 to the front

5. All remaining records add 61 to the front


The only record that didn't match after applying these rules was record #16, which had a 3 at the end of your Ideal Phone Number, but didn't appear to have a rule to apply.


Data Cleanse Phone Number.png


9 - Comet

Hi @T_Willins ,



Thank you very much for your help. 


In record 10 that starts with 61  I want to remove 0. I want to replace (02)  2. Also, in some cells that are empty  it return 61.


Could you please let me know how I can do this. 




14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @Simon1187,


Glad to help.  What is the rule for record 10?  Is it replace substring (02) with 2?  For cells that are empty, should those cells stay empty?

9 - Comet

Hi @T_Willins ,


Yes, it is replacing substring (02)with 2 and all cells need to be empty. 


Thank you very much. 



9 - Comet

Hi @T_Willins,



I hope you had a nice weekend. 


Could you please help me how can I replace 61 and 61(02) to 612. 


I really appreciate your help. 





14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @Simon1187,


So I can get the formula right, you want to replace every instance of 61 (including with a leading zero) with 612 and replace 61(02) with 612?  Please confirm and I can update the formula.

9 - Comet

Hi @T_Willins



I hope you are well. 


Yes, that is right. Could you please change it. 


Thank you very much.



9 - Comet

Hi @T_Willins


Hope you are well. 


Could you please adjust the formula? 





Hi @Simon1187 - I adjusted the workflow to do just that (02) -> 2 and Empty = Empty.
