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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Batch Macro input issue


I've a Batch Macro with "Macro Input" tool selecting "Optional Incoming Connection".

When I disable upstream workflow which provide no data feed to Macro, running Designer App will see error message "The input does not have a connection".


If I run via Designer "Run Workflow", I have no error message.


Any idea what could have caused it? The macro input tool is connected with "Text Input" sample data.

Thanks and happy to share more in details, if needed.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @jchan58 


Could you share your workflow/app/macro or at least a printscreen of it for further details?


Let me get this straight: you created a batch macro and inserted this created macro in your analytic app? Is that it?





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@jchan58 I came across this defect in 2017 where it seems like optional incoming connections aren't actually optional when used for batch macros. The workflow errors out if you don't have anything connected to the optional connection. @AngelaO confirmed the defect and said that it would be fixed in a future release.They haven't fixed it yet, but it's on the list. Starring this idea may help them move the fix up the list:


Thanks for prompt reply, really helpful.  Meanwhile I came up temporary solution to push a set of blank data in the incoming connection.


Thanks for your reply, Patrick has already answered my query.  Yes I insert batch macro under an App.
