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Batch Macro Internal Error - can't find a solution

5 - Atom

Hi All - I am getting an "internal error" on my batch macro that I cannot seem to solve, and I am not sure if it has been solved before.  




For context, I am batching 18 files that should have the same schematics. I am using a macro to read in the sheet names and append the sheet name to the file path: 



However I am getting an internal error. I saw a previous thread in the community that was left unsolved which talked about this same error. It mentioned to try and add a dynamic input tool to get a better description, and that error says it cannot find the files. However... when I can load the files into my batch macro so i know it can be found. Further in the action tool of my batch match... if I replace the file - value, it gives me the error. If I click to replace the full string I get the same error. 


By playing around, if I replace the string from: 





the macro will batch the first file 18 times and removes the error. However, all other batch macros I have built have always had that same sheet name convention of a UC.xlsx|||`Results_Detail$`


Any help would be appreciated

20 - Arcturus

@JoeApples Would you be able to share your macro input file configuration? 
