Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Application - Prompt User to Continue or Abort

9 - Comet

In the middle of my analytic application, I use a join tool.  If there are any records coming out of LEFT side of join, I want to A) show these records to the user B) prompt the user to either continue processing the remaining workflow or fix these records (and abort the app).  If continued, records from the inner join continue downstream in the workflow.


I appreciate any support!  Please let me know if you need more info or example workflow.  thanks.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@bertal34 You can use a browse tool and have a output after process A. The user can then pick the browse tab to take a look at the output. This is controlled via the interface designer inside of alteryx.  The user can click on that output and see if they want to continue or stop. They can abort by closing the screen or hitting cancel instead of continuing through the chained process.





9 - Comet

Would this require splitting the existing app into 2 apps and chaining?  Is this what you are referring to?  I have read about this but never experimented.  Is there an example you could provide?  thank you.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @bertal34 


There is no way to stop a workflow mid stream and wait for user input.  


Using @DiganP's process will only work if you split the app into 2 chained apps.  That's because the outputs from an app are only displayed once the workflow is completely finished.  


Check out this post for an interactive lesson on chaining apps



