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Append and replace the same output


Hi community,


I have two file below whereby one is orginal excel file and one is new data and would like to combine both data as below

Replacing Data.jpg

The orignal file name is " XYX" while Output also having the same file name " XYX".


The output of excel file will have the same file name as per original data. If there is new data found for the company code , then replacing the original data.


I have two struggle that i dont know how to solve it:

A. How to build the workflow so that the original file will not be affected until it has finished run and render the output fiel " XYX" as the file name for original file and output file is the same.


B. Secondly, how to incorporate the function so that if there is no original file exist yet then we just run the new data file and render it to the output file 


Thank you in advance


I would use a join to go about this.

If new information then overwrite otherwise add new information and keep unchanged information.



Hi @ed_hayter ,


Currently you are using the text input , then it will not prompt the error,


As i using the excel file , xlsx, format , if the original file does not exist ( maybe deleted), it will prompt the error and we would like to know if there is no file found in the parituclar directory, we just skip it instead of prompt the error.




My understanding was that even though it cannot find the file and therefore errors. it should still find the new file and run what it can with this logic it would then flow to the end and still create the file.


If the below option is checked then you are correct it would not work.


If the error message itself is a problem then you could turn the flow into an app with radio buttons that signify whether the original data exists yet and turns on and off that input accordingly. i have attached that version below.



Hi @ed_hayter ,


Yup, i am using the app to run the workflow. Could you share with me the version of 2021 alteryx? As i couldnt open the latest alteryx version of worklfow.


I would like to see how you change the setting and run it acordingly.




I've re-saved the flow in a 2021 version hopefully you can load.




Hi @ed_hayter ,


I have run the data and try to edit the control parameter few times but it prompt the error. May i know how to solve the error below?


Error 1.png



Setting 1.jpg


Setting 2.png


Thank you for the assistance


So you want to wrap the input in a container. Then attach the radio button for no original data to the lightning bolt of the container. When that button is clicked then the container turns off and that input file is never run.


Then you want to drag your second radio button for run with original data into the canvas without connecting it. This one should not update any value as the container is turned on by default and by virtue of pressing this button the other one must be off and therefore the container is active.



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