Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Analytics App - beginner


Hello.  I am designing my first analytic app and I have managed to work through the majority of what I want to do.  However I am stuck on 2 aspects and would appreciate any help.


1) Part of my current workflow is a text input for a period end date.  This period end date is then used in a formula to calculate the previous 4 period end dates, which in turn rename column headers later in the workflow.  I want to replace the text input with a date interface, however selecting Update cell or Update Value don't seem to work.  How can I simply use the Date interface to create the date value in a new field?  Do I have to use the interface to update an existing text input field?


2) Another interface option will be the client name.  I would like this to be included in the output file name but I cannot see any way to do that unless its as a field within the output itself, which I dont want.  Is there any way around this?


Many thanks

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @NickiW ,


I have created this sample for you to check it:


Not sure how you want to manage the dates but using the date tool is easy for the inputs.


Also to replace certain part from a path to switch it with your clients name you need to select the "replace a specific string" on the action tool on the bottom






19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @NickiW 


For your second question, you can add the filename to the records and then use the "Keep Field in Output" option in the Output Data config




With this unchecked, the field will be used as the file name but will not show up in the data



