Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Analytic Apps - No Entry Runs Workflow without filters and text list entered for parameter




I am new to Analytic Apps. I have 1 workflow and 2 questions.


I currently have 3 input apps connected to enable end user inputs, eventually out of gallery to filter data down. This includes a date range that seems to be working well and 2 additional text box filters set to allow multiple rows of inputs. Those filters would be for order number type data and created by a user name data. I am wondering 2 questions.


1. Can those text box apps/filters can be set up in a way that would allow a list of order numbers or a list of user names to be pasted/entered to the filters? Or is there another way to do this other than a text box?


2. Is there a way to allow for blanks or a setting to be applied that would not require any input into any of the 3 apps/filters (date range, order number, or created by) and if those inputs are left blank then it runs open on all values (aka no filters or parameters applied)?


