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Alytrex Bug in understanding percentage data type

7 - Meteor

Hello All,


Requesting all please look into this issue, One of the column data has percentage (%) 100.000021% value but while input this into Alytrex it changes to value. (1.00000021)


Because of this it very difficult us to figure out the resolution and annoying too.


could you please check what is the bug here? 

why need to change this to percentage again with duplicate effort.


Please look into this if we can try to fix this issue from begining by simple adding the percentage type in data type. 


please let me know if you need any additional information

16 - Nebula

Hi @Ganesh123 


If i understood well your issue, there is no bug. When you look at a percentage value at excel for example (like the bellow image), when you see 100.000021%, this is just the label of the value, and this is meant just for visual purposes. The real value behind it is 1.00000021 (look at B2 = A2). When you import this to Alteryx, Alteryx will see the real value behind it, that is the useful value for making calculations.




Why would you need to have the % label inside of Alteryx? 


18 - Pollux

Alteryx does not have a native percentage format. You can use a decimal based number (fixed decimal/float/double) or a text format and include the "%" sign. As @Felipe_Ribeir0  points out - this is not a bug.

7 - Meteor

No. I think you took the wrong value in column B. what I am saying it is 1.0000. there is a decimal point.


why percentage sign don't show in Alytrex after downloading from input folder

7 - Meteor

why do we need to additional formatting when it is already there in input file. this is unnecessary create more work. 

7 - Meteor

When you import this to Alteryx, Alteryx will see the real value behind it, 


I don't agree with you I tried all this it shows value only. 

12 - Quasar

if you really want the % you'll have to change the data type of that column to a string 

7 - Meteor

Why do we need to add % if it is already there in my input file? that is my question

12 - Quasar

@Ganesh123 as @Felipe_Ribeir0 mentioned Alteryx only looks at the real value and does not have a native percentage format hence the reason why its happening 

12 - Quasar

if you set the column to a string data type it should show up with the symbol 
