Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Alteryx unable to read .hyper files (tableau extract) but can write to it

9 - Comet

This is funny cause it was working before and after I reinstalled Alteryx, I am having issues connecting to Tableau extracts.


Funnily when I ran the workflow after I converted those files to csv from tableau (as tableau could read the file), the output to .hyper file was successful.


This is the error I am getting:


Error: Input Data (1): error opening database 'TS Users': There was an error during loading database "hyper.file:G:\Shared drives\Data Infrastructure\1. Reporting\Alteryx + Tableau\4. Tableau Online Admin\TS Users.hyper": unsupported version 2 (max supported version: 1). To open this database, please update your product.
Context: 0xd6232f85




Am I missing any drivers/extra installation files? Cause I have newly re-installed Alteryx on a new machine.


I am running Version: 2023.2.1.51 Patch: 1
