Hi Champs,
I have data in excel format which has information such as time in US format HH:MM:SS AM/PM, username associated with each time row.
how i want and struggling to do is---
1. Convert all the time in IST same format
2. Have a bucket/window of every 30 mins like from 7 am to 12 pm divided into 7-7.30, 7.31-8.00, 8.01-8.30, 8.31-9.00 ...so on
3. Sum of count of username associated with time should fall in respective time bucket.
let me know if more clarification needed, attached is the input data and how i wanted the data to be in output tab. Numbers are hypothetical
@ilovecoding You need to be proficient with Alteryx formulas. Further, never underestimate the power of CrossTab tool. That's all! Check the attached workflow.
that's awesome, let me try