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Alteryx and Smartsheet Live Data Connector

5 - Atom

I am leveraging the Smartsheet "Live Data Connector" / ODBC (, to input data to my Alteryx Designer Workflow. I have an Enterprise license to Smartsheet and have generated an API access token.
When I go to the ODBC Admin Console and enter the API access within "Use API token for SSO login", it is auto populating the Email field with the license holder's email. 

Is it possible to leverage this API access token for multiple users? 



19 - Altair

There are other users here who are more knowledgeable about Smartsheet - but it sounds like what you want is a service account (robot user) vs a single user's PAT. Having said that - knowing how Smartsheet "creatively" names Tables - I'm not sure how well that will work either.

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