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Alteryx Workflow using Python tool taking too much time to run completely.

8 - Asteroid

I am using the python tool in my Alteryx workflow for some data transformation, I am using approx 50000 rows of data as input but it takes too much time in running completely almost more than 10 hours. Why is it taking that much time? I have a doubt also that if it takes that much time does it stuck because of some kind of error?

16 - Nebula

Hi @arsh011 


For this amount of rows it doesnt seems normal, but it it is hard to guess why without seeing the code.

8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the response @Felipe_Ribeir0 

Does the python tool normally take more time in running the workflow when used in workflow?

16 - Nebula



It really depends on what the python code is doing. On my experience, i never had anything taking more than seconds/minutes to be run, but if you are importing datasets with millions of rows/hundreds of columns and making some computing expensive operations with them, it would take more time.

8 - Asteroid

Thanks, @Felipe_Ribeir0 for the quick response. I completely understand now.
