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Alteryx Academy - Interactive Training Videos not Showing Full Video

7 - Meteor

Hello Everyone, 

I'm trying to watch some interactive trainings from the Academy website (eg. this training - Matching with RegEx) and the video stops before it ends. I've tried using Edge, Edge dev and Chrome and I have the same issue. 


Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? I'm missing key information which can't be found in the transcript of these videos. 

The same issue also occurs on all the other training videos. 


Thank you, 

13 - Pulsar

Stops how? Many of the videos are interactive and you need to perform tasks to progress on to the next steps. Have you completed all of the tasks? It could be clicking on a tool, dragging things around or typing into the workspace/configuration windows. 

10 - Fireball

I don't know if this is the same issue but I noticed that sometimes when playing a video, if you pause it halfway through it seems to keep the timer running in the background so will end seemingly abruptly. The only way I found to combat this was to directly click the pause button to pause the video and timer, instead of just clicking anywhere on the screen, or just avoid pausing the video and instead rewatching it if necessary. Hope this helps

7 - Meteor

In the video I've linked and this one as well there's nothing I'm asked to do, usually a new video under the same step should start but that doesn't roll out. It gets stuck there... 

I also tried not pausing, avoiding clicking anything in the video & refreshing the page, nothing gives. 

13 - Pulsar

Can you screencap the issue? Just took it to see if I was able to replicate the issue and completed it with no issue on Chrome.

7 - Meteor

Here's the link to one of the videos giving me issues: Macro Interface Elements - Alteryx Community


Slide: Updating Raw XML 


There's no way to see past the end of the first video  for me. 

13 - Pulsar

Clicking on the Generate Custom List on the top left that it highlighted in Orange doesnt progress the video? Are you sharing your account with another person? The check marks for each section show as completed indicating you've completed that training.

7 - Meteor

Dear God, that's what it was, I had to click the orange box to advance the video... I feel like a fool after I tried almost everything to fix the issue. 



13 - Pulsar

Keep an eye out for that in all of the videos. Anything that requires user input will almost always highlight the task in Orange.
