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Align columns based of column names

5 - Atom

Hello Folks,

I need to align columns horizontally for a file that I am working on. 

In the example you can see I have two columns A and B. I have done two operations on each column,  that is given a comment to the column and given data_score. But the Columns are next to each other and the operations are next to each other. Expected output is I want the columns and its operations next to each other. 

I do not want to use the select tool to reorder the columns as in the real scenario I have around 50 columns and 4 operation in each column. One solution I can think of is -  Trasnpose the table and sort it based on column names then undo the transpose using cross tab tool, but I am not able to configure. 

Any help would be really appreciated. 



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Is this a process you'll be repeating? Will it always have the same 50 columns with the same 4 results per column?  (also: by column I assume you're talking about a/b/c/d.../etc n50)   so you ultimately end up with 200 columns?

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Here is a simple flow to do what you want with the data provided. This would potentially need to be modified based on exactly what the column names are and other details that could give you answers slightly different than you want. The concept would be close to the same you'd just need to add some variance in for the real data. 


If this gets what you need, can you please give it a like and click the button for solved.  Thx. 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

This should at least work for your sample data, since the column names are in alphabet order.

