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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Aggregation Tool

Inactive User
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Is their a tool in Alteryx where I can aggregate time slices in my input Data?

For E.g.: I have got a column with Time and Date as below:




I want to aggregate these time slices into 15 minutes as below like from 05/01/2018 00:00 to 05/01/2018 00:14 to 05/01/2018 00:15 and so on. Appreciate your help! Thanks in Advance.



13 - Pulsar

I don't know of a tool that can aggregate them directly, you'll likely need to do some manipulation first.  Something like:


This finds the number of minutes "over" the last 15 minute mark and subtracts them out of the time.  After that, it's just a group by in the Summarize tool.  Note that if the datatype is already date/time you don't need the DateTime tool.


Hope it helps!

Inactive User
Not applicable

Thank you for the solution. This really helped!!
