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Add multiple Multi-Row Formulas - repeating labels

7 - Meteor

Hi all! I have data that looks like this:



Name 140
Name 223
Name 370
Name 454


I'm trying to get Alteryx to repeat the first column names--so it would end up looking like:

Name 140
Name 144
Name 223
Name 225
Name 370
Name 376
Name 454
Name 445


I think this would be done via a Multi-Row formula tool. However, my formula can only get it to repeat "Name 1" for every row, which isn't correct. Any ideas on how I can go about updating this correctly?

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @dataviolet 


Here is a workflow for the task.

Input: As given






Hope this helps 🙂

If this post helps you please mark it as solution. And give a like if you dont mind 😀👍

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @dataviolet,


I have created a workflow for you:


Please mark as a solution if it is helpful.

7 - Meteor

Thank you for the fast solution. Looks like I was just missing a section to my formula--forgot the "else" part:



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @dataviolet 


My solution is also same and i posted first why didnt you mark my post as solution.


My formula is also same IIF(isempty([Column1]),[Row-1:Column1],[Column1])


and i added Trim to remove blank spaces as a extra safety measure.


Asking out of curiosity 

7 - Meteor

I appreciate your assistance! Your solution worked too, but was confused about the necessity of the TRIM function used:

IIF(isempty(Trim([Field1]," ")),[Row-1:Field1],[Field1])


I thought the simpler method was without the TRIM

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @dataviolet 


Trim([column]," ") is used a safety measure to remove blank spaces just in case you have multiple spaces

(like "  ") as blank.


Just be on a safer side🙂


You are allowed to mark multiple post as solution so please mark mine also if you dont mind 🙂

7 - Meteor

thank you for the explanation! that makes sense--in fact, i did have to use a data cleanse tool prior to this multi-row function, but now with the TRIM function, looks like I can get rid of the data cleansing tool.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova



Yup thats the purpose to remove surrounding spaces


Happy to help 🙂


Cheers and Happy Analyzing 😀

