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Add month over month values using growth rates (example 10%)

7 - Meteor

Hi everyone, I'm new to the Alteryx community!


I would like to add values in a column based on previous value. The next value in the column should be based on the previous value and so on.

I have dates, segment 1, segment 2, and Values as columns.

Some cells in values columns are blank and needs to be filled based on previous date's values by adding 10% growth rate.


Please find the excel file for reference!


Thank you so much!



9 - Comet

Hi @saurav_palekar 


This can be achieved using a multi-row formula in Alteryx.

Try the below workflow, Please let me know if this works for you or not.


Add month over month.png


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

@saurav_palekar  @kamal03 
Just a guess, but maybe we need to group by "Segment 1" and  "Segment 2" when using the Multi-row formula tool?

Add month over month.png

9 - Comet

yes, @Qiu  we can use group by if we need to group by the calculation by column.




7 - Meteor

Hello @kamal03 and @Qiu , thank you for helping me on this, it worked for me.

I have a follow up question, just curios if we have 2 different Segment 1 and Segment 2 combination.

Combination 1 - Segment 1 = ABC and Segment 2 = XYZ growth rate is 10%,

Combination 2 - Segment 1 = XYZ and Segment 2 = DDD growth rate is 15%,

and I want to fill values for remaining dates, how can I do that?

Please find attached sample data file for it.


Thank you so much!

9 - Comet

Hi @saurav_palekar, You just me know check the group by options. Please implement the below configuration setting in your workflow and give it a try.


month over month.png

7 - Meteor

Hi @kamal03 can you please attach the workflow file for reference?

Would really appreciate it.


Thank you! :)

9 - Comet

sure here is the workflow



7 - Meteor

Hi Kamal, looks like you shared a different workflow by mistake.


9 - Comet

Hi Saurav , sorry about that here is the updated workflow. Please let me know if this is correct or not.


