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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Add New Column after Existing Column

8 - Asteroid


Greetings !

I would like to create another columns after existing table, based on value written by user.
I understand that the value can be input via 'Text Box' tools, but I have difficulties to sort back the column sequence.

For example, user input 'cost centre' : 123001-AB
If its match with any 'cost centre', it require to create another column on the right side ( only require for non-zero column ). 

Input data :

Cost CentreBasic SalaryHouse AllowanceCar AllowancePhone Allowance
123001-AB4000300 100
123001-ZY3000 500100

Desired output :

Cost CentreBasic SalaryBasic Salary - 123001-ABHouse AllowanceHouse Allowance - 123001-ABCar AllowancePhone AllowancePhone Allowance - 123001-AB
154001-DE5000 400 500100 
123001-AB 4000 300  100
123001-ZY3000   500100 
154001-KU2000 300 500100 

The main issue is the column sequence is not on any sorting order.
Thank you in advance !

12 - Quasar

you can transpose everything first, then crosstab it again.


open via edit or from designer





15 - Aurora

Hi @fikrizahari ,

It may not be exactly match with your requirement,

but I would do this way as I prefer keeping the original table format.

Please take this as another approach.







15 - Aurora

I converted the Workflow to an APP with Drop Down List. (Just for curiosity😀)



Not sure if the Block Until Done tool actually works. It may be necessary to run it twice.


APP Interface


APP Output



8 - Asteroid

Hi @Pang_Hee_Choy 

It worked !

I would like to ask :

1) May i know the reason to change data type ? Is that mandatory ?


2) How do you set the cost centre '123001-AB' on the text box tool ?
and how do i change if i want to test with other cost centre ?

12 - Quasar


1. type is not necessary, but the size yes.

bug for text input, always keep lowest data type. 

before only 15, not enough character for adding cost center behind.  


2. it an application format, good to implement as users need not have knowledge to alteryx.


when you double click the file in folder, it will pop out this. (provided alteryx designer)


so users only need to fill-in certain criteria and get their required result (via the output file)

*user cant see the result window, so you need to have output tool to let user check result via the excel file (for example).




you can learn it in interactive lessons

Help Doc link: Analytic Apps | Alteryx Help

8 - Asteroid

Hi @Pang_Hee_Choy 

Thank you for your answers and suggestions.
It is the solution that I am looking for, appreciate it !

Hi @Yoshiro_Fujimori 

Thank you for your answer, its really helpful and gave me another idea.
I also has combined the drop down list that you mentioned, into my workflow. 😆

However, I would like to combine the table instead of make it separate.
It is fine, since Pang Hee Choy already gave me the solution above.
