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Action and Excel / sheet

7 - Meteor

Hi experts,


I'm trying to work with Action and Text Box components.


I have two Excel files on my desktop :

  • test 2018.xlsx
  • test 2019.xlsx

These two files have many sheets but one with the same name : "test"


What I need to do is very simple : when I execute the application, I choose the year and It handle the good file.


I tried with the following formula : "C:\Users\Administrateur\Desktop\test "+[#1]+".xlsx|||`test$`"


Unfortunatly it doesn't work... Do you know which formula I can use?


Best regards,

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @vincent2mots try this syntax "C:\Users\Administrateur\Desktop\test "+[#1]+".xlsx|||test"

7 - Meteor

Hi @JosephSerpis ,


Thanks you for you quick response but no : it doesn't work...


The worklow is not even capable of opening the documents : it continue to process the same input.


Best regards,

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @vincent2mots you need to change the configuration slightly on your action tool and select File -Value. I mocked up a workflow as well which I you can change the filepath as well.Dynamic_Input_230702020.JPG

7 - Meteor

Thanks a lot! 


You're not ACE for nothing 😄
