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Access DB Connection Failure

5 - Atom



I am working on a project and trying to connect to an Access Database to pull information into Alteryx. I have successfully queried to the table in the past, but more often than not, I get the error below.


I do not have the file open on my machine but it is possible that someone else in my client's organization does have it open (not sure how I would identify who). Does anyone have advice on how to resolve this issue? We are creating a copy of the db for development but that is not a reasonable long term solution.


Error: Input Data (105): Error SQLDriverConnect: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use.[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed

5 - Atom

Were you able to resolve the error? Can you share the solution please?

13 - Pulsar

This usually occurs if you dont have the ODBC driver and Access Database engine installed.


5 - Atom

That was initial thought. I installed it, restarted my machine and still facing same error. Can you share any screen shots of how you connected? I'm not sure if making any mistake in configuring the connection.
