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AMP Engine & Block Until Done Tool Behavior

5 - Atom

This is more of a note, but I believe that when running workflows in the designer mode with the AMP engine enabled, the traditional behavior of multiple Block Until Done tools is not handled 'as expected'.


I have a workflow that is outputting different data streams to three separate tabs within an Excel workbook. As always, I was using multiple Block Until Done tools to prevent write collisions to the same file, but I kept receiving the error associated with that. I noticed that the Block Until Done tools were functioning individually, but not as they normally do in a 'group' (i.e. higher tool # waits until the previous is complete). When I disabled the AMP Engine for the workflow, the execution happened as normal and desired -- so I am very confident that the AMP Engine was the driver of the issue that I was seeing.


I am not sure if this falls into the bug or feature category of the AMP Engine, but I didn't see documentation on it yet, so I figured I would make a post just in case someone is running into the issue as well.




8 - Asteroid

Oh nice! I was not aware and am on 2021.4 (updating this week). 

8 - Asteroid

Unfortunately the problem persists even after the upgrade. The module just stops running at that tool.


Would you mind please going through Support so that they can submit a ticket for us to look at fixing the specific issue? If you can provide them with a small workflow to reproduce the issue that would be very helpful. 

Tonya Smith
Sr. Product Manager, cloud App Builder
8 - Asteroid

Yeah I'll do that next. I think it is because this particular module has the Block Until Done tool before a batch macro. I have other modules that are not having issues with the BUD tools. 

5 - Atom

Hi Tonya,


Do you have any update on the Branch Ordering piece? With 22.1, our users are now being prompted to turn on the AMP engine for older workflows and we are seeing this error frequently. Additionally, do you have an example of what the below suggestion looks like in practice? We've tried implementing this a few different ways, but haven't gotten it to work and wonder if we're interpreting it wrong. In the particular workflow we are testing, we have 2 input tools that branch into 8 different branches (Input 1 is used in all branches and Input 2 is used in only two branches). 


"When working on a workflow with multiple branches (largely separate streams from inputs to outputs), place the BUD tool in the workflow branch with the lowest numbered Input tool ID. This ensures every subsequent branch waits to run until the previous branch is done and the tool works as expected."




We still have not received a Support issue on this. 

@BGirkins  or anyone else who can provide a workflow and scenario could you reach out to Support to get this logged with them and it will be escalated to my team. 

Tonya Smith
Sr. Product Manager, cloud App Builder
8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the follow up! I have a broader case opened on a number of issues related to AMP. But right now everything is stable (turned off AMP on any modules with macros and BUD tools) so until we can upgrade to 2022.1, the case is on hold. 

7 - Meteor

Has this issue been resolved? I'm using Designer 2022.1.1.40869 and was recently prompted to use AMP which caused my 6 parallel excel tab outputs using BUD to get the same error as above. 

6 - Meteoroid

Now in March 2024, I am seeing the opposite effects take place in my workflow.  With AMP turned on, Block Until Done is starting at the 1st anchor and everything is working in the order I expect.  When I turn off the AMP engine, anchor 3 takes place before any other steps.  I am not sure if this error was addressed in the past or previous update, but am posting to see if anyone after 2023 is seeing different results than these older posts.  

8 - Asteroid

 I am also having BUD problems when running with the AMP engine.  I use Version: 2022.3.1.508 Patch: 4 and with the AMP switched on in the configuration box no results come through after my BUD tool.  I've "solved" the problem by switching off AMP but what gives?  if I leave AMP off am I really losing any functionality?

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