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Number issue

7 - Meteor

When I choose "select"  and change from string to double it's changing my number from 283k to 283 and I'm not quite sure why. Reaching out to see if anyone may know of a fix to this? 

7 - Meteor

Solved the issue

5 - Atom

I can't see any information on how this was solved. Could you please share? I have an issue where the files I'm importing have numbers as (2,000.08) and Alteryx Designer Cloud is reading it as a string. If I use the Select tool to change the format, I lose the underlying data. I have one workflow with only one column with numbers and I used ReplaceChar to solve but now I have a file with 10+ columns and can't figure out how to apply the ReplaceChar solution for multi-columns. 

5 - Atom

If you haven't solved it, I was able to use the formula tool and use convert ToNumber in one of the steps and then when I open it in Excel in shows the type as Number instead of General