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NEED URGENT HELP: Separating rows into 3 columns

7 - Meteor

Hi guys, as you can see all the data is in 1 row but need to separate it into 3 columns. I think I have to use the text to column but just don't know what settings to put down. 

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

What have you tried so far? Have you tried to split by text to columns on the space while also selecting skip empty columns?

7 - Meteor

Could you help me to do with this please. The first screenshots shows the before and the second is what I want to look after.

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

This is a different question, so it may be worth posting this one specifically. 

but similar solution - text to columns skipping empty columns, then you can do your additional splits with a formula tool afterwards