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I am unable to use Daraprep. It opens and then, within a couple of seconds, I receive an "out of memory" error. I have performed all of the suggested steps to remedy the error, but it persists.

5 - Atom
6 - Meteoroid

Hi Suzanne, can you add a few more details about your problem?

  1. What browser are you using to access Dataprep?
  2. Where are you seeing the "out of memory error"?
  3. What are the suggested steps that you mentioned which you took?
  4. Does the error happen when running something or is it right after logging in?
5 - Atom
Hello, Mohit, and thank you for your response. I have resolved the issue, but I will answer your questions and tell you what the problem was so you can potentially help solve the problem for someone else should the issue arise again. 1. I was using Chrome to access Dataprep 2. I received the "out of memory" error message a couple seconds after Dataprep opened. [image: image.png] 3. The suggested steps I took to resolve the issue were the ones listed when I clicked the "Learn more" link in the error message. The steps included: a. clearing cache and cookies b. closing any extra apps or windows c. checking latest version of Chrome d. rebooting my computer 4. The error occurred a few seconds after opening Dataprep. I thought at first the error was because I was attempting to do a lab exercise via Google's Cloud Platform training but they were not able to help me. I then realized I was getting the error when I was not attempting the lab and that is when I contacted Trifacta. I also logged a ticket with my company's IT department. The IT tech noticed that, although I had the latest version of Chrome installed, I had the 32-bit version. He uninstalled and reinstalled the 64-bit version and I have not had any issues since. I now have Chrome Version 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (64-bit) installed. Suzanne
6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for the detailed response! I'm glad that the issue is resolved with the Chrome reinstallation.