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How can we implement left outer join or right outer join in trifacta ?


If you press the 'Join' button (looks like a Venn diagram), you can choose between the types of joins you want to do. As far as I know, there is no difference between a right join and outer right join, as well as a left join vs a left outer join. The keyword 'outer' is optional.


Hi @Casey Butcher? thanks for the reply. When I say left outer join I mean all the data from the left table minus the common part and similarly for right table.

Hi @Nakuul Marwah? , thanks for the clarification. From the Trifacta documentation, it looks like those types of joins (I call them left and right exclusive joins) can't be done in one step. The available joins are left, right, inner and full outer.


I'm thinking of a potential workaround - doing a left join, and then deleting rows that contain any information from the joining table. If I'm understanding what you need to do correctly, see below example of inputs and outputs:



In the joining table, I added the column 'unique' to help explain, but this is not necessary. You can perform a left join in Trifacta, and then delete rows where data in the column 'unique' = 'unique'. Alternatively you can just keep/delete rows based on NULL values.


I hope this helps!




Hi @Casey Butcher?  Thanks for the reply. I had followed a similar approach that you have suggested.