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Hello, I have a script who count the number of jobs run by day and count fail job I am using Trifacta API /v4/jobLibrary/count? and I apply a date filter. I would like to add a split Photon/Spark in my report but I can't find how to filter

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Jordan C?,


It's possible that filtering on the "execution" field will allow you to split your API results between Photon and Spark. The "execution" field is the field that you use to choose the processing environment when you submit jobs using the API.


Let me know if this works!


I am using Trifacta API /v4/jobLibrary/count? and I apply a date filter. I would like to add a split Photon/Spark in my report but I can't


Hi @Connor Carreras? and @Bobby Messinger? 


I try some filter using the execution field but unsuccessful for the moment, I am not sure we can use it with the jobLibrary. Because when I run a v4/jobLibrary and search for the words photon, spark and even execution I have no result


Hi @Bobby Messinger? ,


If you are still interested to split Photon/Spark job in you API call.


I have a way to do it :

with this request tri_url+'v4/jobLibrary?embed=jobs&limit=1000&status=Failed&dateFilter[createdAt][gte]='+datestart+'&dateFilter[createdAt][lt]='+dateend


you will get a json file and in this json you have the parameter 'executionLanguage' you is telling you the worker used for a jobgroup.

using this request I was able to buid this table :  

I hope it can help you

